2019 brought us to australia
Three of the population panel species remained to be collected after a successful field season in 2018, so in March of 2019 we sent Taylor on a two-month mission to sample 300+ plants in the wild all across the country, or as far as she could go.
This took months of planning, permit applications, international Skype meetings, and help from collaborators in Australia. Dr. Sarah Mathews with the Australian National Herbarium helped make this possible.
This successful collecting trip would not have been possible without:
Dr. Sarah Mathews
Australia National Herbarium, Canberra
The Australian National Government
National Herbarium of New South Wales, Sydney
New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service
Queensland Department of Environment Service
Queensland Herbarium
Northern Territory Government
Northern Territory Herbarium
Northern Territory Department of Natural Resources
Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning
Dr. Richard Jobson for his generous Themeda collections
Sampling Australia
As with North America, Australia’s average precipitation and temperature were considered along with the population distribution of our target species: Themeda triandra, Cymbopogon refractus, and Heteropogon contortus. We were able to sample populations in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and the Northern Territory bringing home more than 300 tissue samples.